Maria Eloy-Garcia

- Spain -

Malaga, 1972. María Eloy is graduated in Geography and History. She has participated in magazines such Litoral, El maquinista de la generación, Laberinto, Nayagua, Zurgai, Fósforo (digital edition), Culturamas, La Más Bella or Boronía. She has also collaborated with Diario Sur (print press).

She has been coordinator of the I and II International Poetry Week of Malaga.

It has been translated into German, English, Italian, Portuguese, Galician, Greek, Croatian, Macedonian and Catalan.



  • 1st Ateneo Award at Málaga University, 1998
  • 1st Award of Carmen Conde Poetry, Madrid, 2001



  • III Conference of Current Spanish Poetry in Pozoblanco. Córdoba. 1999.
  •  Conference of Spanish Poetry from Modernism to Postmodernity. Moguer Huelva 1999
  • Poesía Última. Rafael Alberti Foundation. El Puerto de Santa Maria, 2002.
  • Poetic evening organized by the Menéndez Pelayo University, Santander, 2005.
  • Poetic Tuesday in La Magdalena: Young poetry, organized by the Menéndez Pelayo University, Santander, 2005.
  •  Meeting of poets at En el revés del cielo organized by the Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2005
  •  International Meeting of Cosmopoetic Poetry. Cordoba, 2006.
  • NEO 3. Nous corrents literaris 2008. Barcelona, ​​2008.
  • Poefesta 2008, IV Poetry Festival, Oliva, Valencia 2008.
  • Inaugural conference and reading at the Instituto Cervantes de Brasilia, Brasilia 2009.
  • Poetry Festival of Barcelona, ​​Barcelona, ​​2010.
  • Berlin Poetry Festival, Berlin, 2010.
  • 2010 POETAS por Km2 (POETAS FESTIVAL), Managua, San Salvador and Tegucigalpa, 2010.
  • Poefesta 2011, VII Poetry Festival, Oliva, Valencia 2011.
  • SOS Music Festival 4.8, Murcia 2011.
  • Pontepoética, poetry festival of Pontevedra, 2012.
  • 2013 POETAS por Km2 (POETAS FESTIVAL), Guatemala. 2013
  • Bardinale. Europe ist ein unvollendetes Gedicht. International poetry festival in Dresden, Germany. 2013
  • 2013 POETAS por Km2 (POETAS FESTIVAL), Madrid. 2013
  • Reading in the DINVERSOS cycle, Coruña, 2014.
  • La noche del apagón (The night of the blackout), reading at MACBA (Contemporary art museum), Barcelona, ​​2014.
  • 52nd Goran's spring, International Poetry Festival, Croatia, 2015.
  • Más al norte, Santander Poetry Festival, 2015.
  • Voix Vives, Toledo International Poetry Festival, 2015.
  • Centrifugados, Cáceres Poetry Festival, 2016.
  • Vociferio, 5th Festival of oral and scenic poetry in Valencia, 2016.
  • Festival de la palabra 2016, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2016.
  • Soñar 2016, I Festival of Contemporary Poetry of Zaragoza, 2016.
  •  Conference at Pompidou Museum about the political body in art, Malaga, 2016.
  • Poefesta, poetry festival of Oliva, Oliva, Valencia, 2017.
  • Poetry Week of Barcelona, ​​Barcelona, ​​2017.
  • XXV International Poetry Festival of Bogotá, Colombia, 2018.



¾    Diseños experimentales nº 2 Monosabio collection, Málaga, 1997.

¾    Antología Feroces. Radicales, marginales y heterodoxos en la última poesía española, ed. DVD, Barcelona, 1998.

¾    Anthology of Spanish poetry in Portugal (bilingual) Poesia Espanhola. Anos 90, ed. Relogio D’agua, Lisboa, 2000.

¾    Metafísica del trapo, ed. Torremozas, Madrid, 2001.

¾    Anthology of 17 Spanish poets today, Hablando en plata, ed Homoscriptum, México, 2005.

¾    Cuánto dura cuánto, ed. El Gaviero, Almería 2007

¾    23 Pandoras Poesía alternativa española, ed. Baile del Sol, Tenerife, Islas Canarias, 2009.

¾    Mujeres en su tinta. Poetas españolas en el S. XXI, ed. Atemporia, Méjico, 2009.

¾    Puta poesía, ed. Luces de gálibo, Gerona, 2010.

¾    Cuánto dura cuánto, 2nd edition, ed. El Gaviero, Almería 2010.

¾    Cuánto dura quanto, Lupo editore, Copertino (Lecce, Italia), 2011. Translation of Angelo Nestore.

¾    Los cantos de cada cual, Arrebato libros, Madrid 2013. 

¾    Inversa, 44 poetas españolas contemporáneas. 2014.

¾    Disidentes. Antología de poetas críticos españoles (1990-2014), La oveja roja, Madrid 2015.

¾    España hoy: una mirada desde la poesía, Ulrika Ediciones, Bogotá, 2018.

¾    Los habitantes del panorama, (prose poetry), Arrebato Libros, Madrid, 2019.


*In bold her own titles